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Artist Books are a wonderfully diverse genre and my work is much the same. I'm fascinated by structures and boxes, both traditional and invented. Most of the books included here have some unique sculptural or spacial element to them.

Art of the Book 2020 / Seager Gray Gallery


Art of the Book 2020 / Seager Gray Gallery

Rhiannon Alpers

The Art of the Book: Fifteenth annual exhibition of handmade artist books, altered books, and book-related materials
LOCATION: Seager Gray Gallery, Mill Valley, CA
EXHIBITION DATES: May 1 - June 30, 2020

Before COVID-19 shut our doors, for the time being, we were looking forward to celebrating our 15th annual Art of the Book exhibition. We are mounting the exhibition online, one work at a time, and release the catalog of the exhibition at the end.  We hope to mount the exhibition for live viewing sometime in the future when it is safe for everyone to come and enjoy it. 

We are pleased this year to celebrate our anniversary of the gallery’s annual “Art of the Book” show. Our commitment to the book as a medium for art remains steadfast. The form of the book is difficult to surpass as the most relevant symbol and richest material available to artists everywhere. For readers, even spying a book out of the corner of their eye releases a mother lode of associations, both personal and universal, exquisitely layered with memory and meaning. As always, the goal is to explore as many approaches as possible, from unique artists’ books and altered books to even broader conceptual uses of books that explore our associations to their form, content, and physical presence.

The exhibition can be viewed online here.